Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time to say goodbye. . . . ( for now )

As the days count down to the final hour, I pack up boxed so pictures, props, and paperwork. I am reminded with each passing moment of all of the wonderful memories I have had in this old building. I know what I am doing is the right thing. I also know that it will be for the better.

I thought that because this move is because of issues I have had in this location , and that when I knew it was for the good I would be able to just up and leave without a worry. But I confess I am sad. For almost 2 years now we have been at 715 N Garden St. For almost 2 years now we have created and shared some amazing memories.

I wanted to write out a long blog about how moving out was going to be hard , the final time I turn the key in the door. But why would I want to be sad. If you know me , I by no means am a sad person. I am one of the most up beat people you may ever know. So instead of lingering on the sad thought we are leaving, lets relive some of the great times, and memories.

If you have been with me as a friend for a while, or just know of my past studio location. The First mem

ory I remember of this studio was the day I moved in. With my best friends at my side and one trusty old trailer and a pick up we packed everything at the old studio and hauled it all in one day. Talk about stress, it was cold, and fast work. But with a few great pair of hands we got the job done in record time, left time over for dinner.

( Photo of packing day old studio )

I have shot a lot of families in this studio. I have a lot of memories from each group, from hearing about there stories and about the lives they live. I do enjoy that. Getting the time to sit down and just talk and gab about just life

with the guests in the studio. I have always wanted to not just have a customer come in as a customer. But to have them come in as a customer and to leave as a friend. One thing I still stick true to , to this day.

Another memory I hold still is the first Christmas in the studio. I had asked a very close frie

nd of mine if he would to me a major favor. Become Santa Clause. After pulling teething , bribing , and a pinch of begging he took up the challenge. After a month of being Santa he looked me in the eye and said “ Never again !” It had to be bad. I never really thought about it much, but it was hot in the suit even outside in the cold. It seemed as if every child that sat on his lap screamed and cried at the top of there lungs, even the ones that knew him out of the suit.

( Santa and Lisa )

It is also so amazing how much just STUFF you gather

in just a 2 year time frame. Cleaning out and packing things up here is quite the task. I look though the closets and think “ I sure don't remember having this?”

Another memory that comes to my mind is the day I shot pictures for someone that shocked me. Now if you know me I don't shock easy at all. So one Saturday afternoon I was shooting photos for a young lady for her model portfolio, when this family comes in. I was busy and a friend was working up front for me. He politely told them I was booked for the rest of the day , but tomorrow was open. The next day in w

alks the family, Husband , Wife, and three daughters. After some great photos and conversations they went on there way. A few weeks later I get a phone call asking if they could use one of the photos for a CD cover. I agreed and I didn't think much more about it other than the fact I found out that he was someone of fame. Leon Russell. Later in the year I caught him on the Grammys.

( Photo I shot for the cover )

There are tons of memories I could share with you, from the time I got a new office as a Christmas gift, to my funny every dieing flower window boxes which I could not for the life of me keep alive. From meeting all the great people I have met here, to having my photo made in the middle ofthe street at mule day.

( Me in the middle of the road )

With all that said, there have been some amazing times and memories shared here. I have no doubt in the future that many more will be shared, in our new home. But as for now, we keep the faith, hold our friends , families, and guests close to us. Because above all, helping to create a family memory for you is one of the greatest gifts I could ever be given. I love knowing that I have helped create something, that someone , sometime , somewhere will hold close and dear for a very long time.

This Song just plays in my mind as i pack :)